Revenge of the Killer Nerds
How baseball was revolutionised by mucking about with spreadsheets
My interest in Americana does not extend to its sports. Of the Big Three, football (sic), basketball and baseball, it is baseball which comes nearest to capturing my interest. In Britain, we have a girls' game called rounders which it in many ways resembles [ducks from outraged US readers]. Last week I came across an extraordinary book on baseball, Moneyball, by Michael Lewis.
How baseball was revolutionised by mucking about with spreadsheets
My interest in Americana does not extend to its sports. Of the Big Three, football (sic), basketball and baseball, it is baseball which comes nearest to capturing my interest. In Britain, we have a girls' game called rounders which it in many ways resembles [ducks from outraged US readers]. Last week I came across an extraordinary book on baseball, Moneyball, by Michael Lewis.
Moneyball explains the process by which the impoverished Oakland Athletics outperformed teams with much more money over an extended period. Baseball, like cricket, is a game which generates an inordinate raft of statistics. The A's general manager, Billy Beane, recruited Harvard-educated statisticians to work out which statistics were the best predictors of performance (these tended not to be the headline ones), and which were undervalued.
At the risk of falling into crass error about a sport I don't pretend to understand, the blue riband statistic is batting average--essentially the proportion of times the batter manages to hit the ball. Beane came to believe that a more important stat was on-base percentage--the frequency with which the batter made it to first base (which a canny player can achieve without the inconvenience of trying to hit the ball). Batters with a high batting average were overvalued by the market, those with a high on-base percentage undervalued--so given limited resources, it made sense to invest in players who scored highly on the latter.
If this sounds dry, Lewis writes with a lively tone, and draws the characters behind the stats with engaging economy. To enjoy the book, you probably need an interest in statistics or baseball, but not necessarily both. Given my day-job, I did respond to the idea that sensible use of objective data was able to trump the prejudices of the gum-chewing ex-players. It didn't do any harm either than Oakland is the home of Jack Vance, the hero of this blog.